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Cpe workshop proposal for youth, august 2011

How do I clean out my Backpack?

Each of us carries a backpack of past experiences, some positive and some negative.  American Indians call these backpacks “burden baskets”.   The challenge is to find a way to empty the negative past experiences of their power to affect our present and future lives, even though they are still in our memories.  The presenter of this workshop, an American Indian, will share a Native way of taking control of what we carry in our backpacks,  giving participants the opportunity to try out this practice.


NOTE TO CONFERENCE ADMINISTRATORS:  multiple colored markers and a sheet of poster-sized paper will be necessary for each participant.  Presenter will need such paper on tripod, with markers at the front of the room.  Tape will be needed for each participant to tape their poster paper on the wall. Participants will need plenty of room to draw.